Table of Contents

A course on Markov Chains: Advanced topics

Registration to the course

Program of the course

Prof Chapters Topics Material Cours
Sept. 26 (AD) Chapt. 1 and 2. Introduction to Markov chains Exercise sheet 1 1
Oct. 3 (AD) Chapt. 2 and 3 Invariance, Reversibility. MCMC. Canonical space. Exercise sheet 2 2
Oct. 17 Pause
Oct. 24 (AD) Chapt. 3 Canonical space (end). Stopping time, (Strong) Markov property, Harmonic functions, martingales Exercise sheet 3 3
Oct. 31 (AD) Chap 5 Ergodic theory and law of large numbers. Chapitre 3 de ce polycopié 4/5
Nov 14 (RD) Chapt. 6 Atomic chains. Transience, recurrence. Maximum principle. Uniformly transient sets. 6
Nov 21 (RD) Chap 6 Period, aperiodicity, positive atoms, null-recurrence, Kac's theorem. 7
Nov 28 (RD) Chapt. 6-7-8 Independent excursions between atoms, coupling inequalities, renewal theory, residual lifetime. 8
Dec 5 (RD) Chapt. 18-19 Geometric ergodicity. 9
Dec 12 (RD) Chap 21 Central limit theorem. 10

Lecture notes Session 6-7-8-9

Example of an examination



name email adresses
Alain Durmus alain.durmus “Arobase”
Randal Douc randal.douc “Arobase”