{{tag>:markov_chains}} ====== A course on Markov Chains: Advanced topics ====== * **Trick:** The real address of this page is: https://wiki.randaldouc.xyz/doku.php?id=world:markovchains but there is also an equivalent (more simple) address: https://lstu.fr/markovchains ====== Registration to the course ====== * [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjk1HhX6lfoIpbrT7aWqFPoZcpwtp4aSwMxw2PxM55MgVtnA/viewform?usp=sf_link|Please register here]] ====== Program of the course ====== * **Where?** Institut de Mathématiques d'ORSAY. Room: 1A14. * **When?** Every course will hold on Thursday from 9H to 12H00 (exact dates are given below). * **Who?** The list of the teachers are given below with their acronyms: * AD: Alain Durmus. * RD: Randal Douc. * **What?** The chapters refer to the book: [[https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319977034|Markov chains]] by R. Douc, E. Moulines, P. Priouret and P. Soulier. Springer publishers. * **Teaching material**: {{world:mainmc-tome1.pdf|pdf version of Markov Chains book}} ^ ^ Prof ^ Chapters ^ Topics ^ Material ^ Cours ^ | Sept. 26 | (AD) | Chapt. 1 and 2. | Introduction to Markov chains | {{:world:ex1.pdf| Exercise sheet 1}} | 1 | | Oct. 3 | (AD) | Chapt. 2 and 3 | Invariance, Reversibility. MCMC. Canonical space. | {{:world:ex_2_2024.pdf| Exercise sheet 2}} | 2 | | Oct. 17 | | | Pause | | | | Oct. 24 | (AD) | Chapt. 3 | Canonical space (end). Stopping time, (Strong) Markov property, Harmonic functions, martingales | {{:world:ex_3_2024.pdf| Exercise sheet 3}} | 3 | | Oct. 31 | (AD) | Chap 5 | Ergodic theory and law of large numbers. | Chapitre 3 de ce {{ :world:polymcmc.pdf |polycopié}} | 4/5 | | Nov 14 | (RD) | Chapt. 6 | Atomic chains. Transience, recurrence. Maximum principle. Uniformly transient sets. | | 6 | | Nov 21 | (RD) | Chap 6 | Period, aperiodicity, positive atoms, null-recurrence, Kac's theorem. | | 7 | | Nov 28 | (RD) | Chapt. 6-7-8 | Independent excursions between atoms, coupling inequalities, renewal theory, residual lifetime. | | 8 | | Dec 5 | (RD) | Chapt. 18-19 | Geometric ergodicity. | | 9 | | Dec 12 | (RD) | Chap 21 | Central limit theorem. | | 10 | ====== Lecture notes Session 6-7-8-9 ====== {{ :world:polymarkovchains.pdf |LectureNotes2024}} ===== Example of an examination ===== * {{ :world:controle.pdf |An examination given in 2019-2020}} * {{ :world:controleCorrige.pdf |Solution of the examination given in 2019-2020}} ===== Projects ===== * A short summary (5 pages max) of the paper is requested before the defense by sending an email to Alain Durmus. You can add technical appendix (with no limitation size). * The defense will be 20 minutes long per project + questions. Be as pedagogical as possible, you can highlight a particular proof that interests you if you find it interesting. * Please read the {{ :world:guidelinesmda.pdf |guidelines for the report}}. * If there is any question, please contact Alain Durmus. /* ===== Evaluation ===== **Evaluation**: The exam will take place on Thursday, December 16, 2021. It is a 3-hour table-top assignment [all documents are allowed]. */ ===== Contact ===== ^ name ^ email adresses ^ | Alain Durmus | alain.durmus **"Arobase"** polytechnique.edu | | Randal Douc | randal.douc **"Arobase"** polytechnique.edu | ---- ~~DISCUSSION~~